Reiki Crystals
What Is Reiki?…And How Can Energy Healing Help You? Part 2 of 3
Article by Taylore Vance
What Is Reiki?…And How Can Energy Healing Help You? Part 2 of 3 – Spirituality – Metaphysical
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Reiki is a natural healing system that millions around the world are using to balance energy, remove stagnant energy, and restore peace and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit.
Since the methods were rediscovered and renamed Reiki by Dr. Usui, people in nearly every country of the world are again using “the laying-on-of-hands” method for healing the physical body in one form or the other.
Many registered nurses, as well as massage therapists are finding that Reiki is the perfect compliment to their hands-on health practice.
Reiki Helps To Create A Balanced Environment
A balanced environment within one’s being is important so that healing can take place. Healers who have been attuned to the Reiki healing “flow” find that their natural healing energies have been enhanced. They also describe their healing energies as being more powerful and directed than before. Many traditional health practitioners are adding Reiki to their credentials.
Reiki Is Transferred To Students By A Reiki Master/Teacher
The Reiki master passes the training through a series of attunements. During the attunement process, sacred healing symbols are sealed into your energy field, so that you can flow the higher vibrations of energy. The attunement process opens you up permanently to the Reiki energy so that you can give Reiki treatments to yourself and others.
When you are attuned you become an open channel (or pipe) for the Reiki energy to flow through to yourself and others. The energy gently and constantly circulates in your body filling your heart area first, and flows out from that point on through your hands. When you place your hands on an object, whether it is a person, a pet, your plants, your food, or a crystal, the healing Reiki energy flows into that object as well.
Reiki raises the vibrational frequency of the person receiving the treatment.
Sickness is low vibrational frequency.
Wellness, health and joy are higher vibrational frequencies.
Three Benefits In Learning Reiki:
1.You will not use your own energy to heal others. You will always use the Source energy. You’ll be taught how to protect your own energy and not get drained when healing others. 2.You will not take on other peoples’ problems as your own. 3.Reiki will not harm anyone. The Reiki energy is always a benefit to the recipient. The more practice you get, the more benefit there is. Just like any tool you use, it gets better and better with practice.
Reiki works well with all healing modalities traditional and alternative, such as: nursing, massage therapy, Acupressure, Acupuncturists, Bach Flower, Chakra Balancing, Chi Gong, Chi Kung, Chi Nei Tsang, Cosmic Energetic Healing, Laser Reiki, Crystal Work, Dowsers, Essential Oils, Falun Gong, Feng Shui, Flower Essences, Gemstone Therapy, Healing Touch, Body workers, Homeopathic Medicines, Hypnotherapy, Tai Chi, Vibrational Healers, Yoga, Hellerwork, and all Holistic activities.
These healers above are adding Reiki certification to their tool kit. Mothers, kindergarten teachers, and schoolteachers are also learning Reiki because it makes their jobs easier.
About the Author
Taylore Vance is a founder of Laser Reiki and Cosmic Energetic Healing. Visit: and Reiki treatment, many times, result in instant release of pain, anxiety, stress and tension. Home business success for energy healers
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Treatment With Reiki Crystals: A Spiritual Way For Relieving Stress And Finding Relaxation
Article by Shabnam Kaur
Treatment With Reiki Crystals: A Spiritual Way For Relieving Stress And Finding Relaxation – Shopping – Jewelry
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Reiki Crystals have become one of the best procedure for Reiki treatment, because of its spiritual touch and faster healing capabilities. Infact it has fared well for many people who earlier suffered from severe anger problems, mental trauma as well as acute depression. The various processes undertaken in this procedure have brought magical effect on people.
Commercialisation is one of the many reasons for widespread stress among youngsters as well as professionals. People have become more professional and hardly care for emotional support or love. They have infact discovered various spiritual ways to combat stress. For example, it is often seen that big celebrities resort to meditation and as well as various spiritual exercises or practice Yoga to reduce anger problems and other personal emotional issues. Among these curative procedures, Reiki is a Japanese art that is considered to be a excellent medicine for all type of sickness. It is a method of stress reduction and relaxation. All you need to do is sit with your hands palm to palm and chant specific words aloud every morning and night.
This spiritual treatment have brought magical effects on people. It can be done through various ways. A very common way that is frequently followed to treat stressful people is with the help of Reiki Crystals that speeds up the healing process. Healing through this process is done in three procedures, namely, laying on stones, chakra balancing and, finally, the seven colour layout. In case of the first process of Reiki Cure, you are supposed to lay down on stones which are being judiciously chosen for healing purposes. This process helps to remove emotional, mental as well as spiritual blocks to revert the patient to a better life. It is actually a one to one interview session, where the healer quietly listens to the patient and allows him/her to release his/her emotional turmoils and pain. It is very necessary on the healers part to be supportive, non-judgemental while the patient speaks. Only utmost safety, belief and faith can stimulate the client to finally speak from the heart. As for the stone, it is kept on the body to impart energy and can be removed when its energy is absorbed.
The next process of Reiki Cure with the help of reiki crystals is the most talked about Chakra balancing. This process works on the concept of balancing and vibration. For balancing the chakra, a stone with the appropriate colour is placed on each area of the body. This is done to boost the chakras with their own vibration without changing its energy, thus maintaining the harmony of the entire system. What is most important here is that the interaction between the chakra and the stone brings the patient back to healthy vibration, thus healing the affected part of the body.
What comes next is the seven colour layout process which is frequently used by various Reiki artists. Under this process, seven different coloured stones are taken which are used for different healing purposes. Each stone is specialised to heal a particular body part with the help of chakra concept. A red stone is kept near the base of the spine or alternatively, two red stones are kept on the top of each leg.This supports the base chakra. Orange stone is kept on the lower abdomen. The yellow stone is kept between the rib cage and the naval. Next, to this comes the Green stone which is kepton the middle of the chest. This is commonly known as chest chakra also. For the throat, a blue stone is used. Other than this, the indigo colour is for the brow and is kept in the centre of the fore head. Finally, to complete the entire chakra system, a violet stone is used for the crown chakra. This stone rests just above the top of the head. There are various types of reiki crystals collection that are commonly used while executing Reiki. Some of the examples of such stones are Vastu Crystals, Zen crystals, Quartz Crystals, Generator crystal, Tabey crystal, rainbow crystals etc.
About the Author
The author is a specialist in retail writing. Her writing skills reflect the outcome of years of exposure to the retail industry. Working with retail giants as a consultant has enriched her knowledge base and her passion for writing got fire. She can be read regularly on For details please visit: Pockect Yantra
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Shabnam Kaur
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