Reiki Gold]

Kundalini Reiki – How to Awaken Your Kundalini Fire

Kundalini Reiki is a very powerful form of spiritual healing which incorporates the combination of two well respected healing modalities – Kundalini and Reiki energy. Reiki is a form of spiritual healing which allows one to open up to true spiritual enlightenment.

Kundalini Reiki was introduced to the earthly plane by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has been assisted by a high Master Kuthumi whilst he spent many hours at Holy Communion. Master Kuthumi is also connected to the Crown Chakra (above the head) and The Temple of Love, Wisdom and Understanding.

Kundalini Reiki training incldues the attunements and healing techniques used to perform hands on healing treatment on yourself and others. You will also learn how to send healing over distance which is sometimes called remote healing.

The base chakra or the Root chakra which is the energy centre located at the base of the spine or the coccyx acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy.

This is sometimes referred to as the “Kundalini Fire”.

During and after a healing session the energy runs from the base or root chakra up through the whole body systems, including the major and minor energy channels or chakras and lastly out of the Crown chakra Over a period of time this allows the whole body to become completely cleansed.

Kundalini Reiki is easy to learn although it is necessary for a student to be attuned to Usui Reiki or Seichim prior to undertaking level One. There are three levels of this training. On completion of level three you are eligible to teach others.

The Kundalini Reiki attunement includes

1 – Balance

2 – Diamond Reiki,

3 – Crystalline Reiki,

4 – DNA Reiki,

5 – Birth trauma Reiki,

6 – Location Reiki,

7 – Past Life Reiki

8 – Gold Reiki

Kundalini Reiki is often stated as being more powerful form of healing than traditional Usui Reiki and is also much quicker and easier to learn and master. Visit

Five A Day for Your Mind, Body and Soul

Article by Tameera Kemp

Five A Day for Your Mind, Body and Soul – Spirituality

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With the change of seasons our bodies experience a shift in energy. To compliment the ‘five a day’ in our diet, we can enhance our mind, body and soul with the ‘five senses’.

1. Taste

The great thing about healthy food is that it doesn’t have to be boring. Enjoy the mouth-watering zest of fresh fruit. Pineapples discovered in 1493 by Europeans have exceptional juiciness and a vibrant tropical flavour that balances the tastes of sweet and tart, plus they’re full of antioxidants meaning good things for your skin. Pineapples are second only to bananas as America’s favourite tropical fruit.

Relatives to peaches, apricots are small, golden orange fruits, with velvety skin and flesh, not too juicy but definitely smooth and sweet. Some describe their flavour as almost musky, with a faint tartness that lies somewhere between a peach and a plum.

On the darker side increase your serotonin with some dark chocolate. It contains phenylethylamine, the same chemical your brain creates when you feel like you’re falling in love.

2. Touch

Every now and then we need to release suppressed feelings and emotions.

Discover the benefits of Reiki and “touch”. Known to help reduce stress, assist with relaxation and relieve pain, this ancient practice helps you rejuvenate at an inner level. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It works by “laying on hands” and is based on the unseen “life force energy” flowing through us, bringing life.

Reiki can harmonise your mind, body and soul with the power of its tingling touch. It works for all ages and is like being healed by the universe. Why not learn the power of Reiki and discover how to heal others?

3. Smell

A scent can conjure a feeling you love or bring back a moment in time. I have a perfume that takes me back 20 years every time I wear it. I’ve added a few of my favourite essential oils, which include healing and therapeutic qualities to lift your spirit…

Jasmine ‘Grandiflorum’ from Morocco is stimulating, mood lifting, relaxing and emotionally warming.

Lemongrass ‘Adropogon citratus’ from India is a stimulating tonic, great for the nervous system. With a fresh scent it cleanses and revitalises the body, great for the bath and overall healing.

Rose ‘Rosa danascena, centifolia, gallica’ from Turkey, Morocco, Bulgaria and France. A sedative tonic – calming and mood lifting. It has a deep harmonious effect, great for the heart and skin.

4. Look

Surround yourself with the simplicity of nature. From the expansive ever moving stars and sky to simply taking time to sit and view life around you. See the colours around and how they make you feel. Blue can bring feelings of relaxation, pink is for love, red stimulates passion, yellow vitality, white purity, green healing and purple for increased spirituality. For abundance focus on or wear some gold.

5. Listen

From flowing ocean waves to birds singing or your favourite artist playing, sound can have a big effect from helping you relax, increase your energy or move you in another direction. A calming tune can be heaven for one person yet have the opposite effect on another.

Practise mindfulness – before speaking really hear what’s around you, think before you react. A yoga or meditation class will enhance this sense and help you be in the ‘now’.

How do you experience the 5 senses? Do you use one more than the others?

About the Author

Tameera Kemp is the founder of Light Stays Retreats and Living – the worlds most advanced holistic directory for retreats, events and classes.

Tameera enjoys visiting retreats and taking regular classes to balance energy, increase awareness and gain new perspective. She’s practised astrology and numerology for around 20 years assisting people with life cycles, direction, clarity and understanding.

She formerly managed adult education for eight years at a top Australian university, creating one of their most successful course programs in journalism, media and communications.

Tameera has a special interest in websites and their power to connect people worldwide, blogging, social media and developing online resources to enrich personal development, wellbeing, creativity, travel and growth.

Tameera established Light Stays Retreats and Living in 2011 creating her dream global resource to inspire and guide your journey.

Light Stays Retreats and Living

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Tameera Kemp

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